
Option 4 for the greenway (unofficial)

Some Friends of the Greenway felt that, since Option 1 (the original--bury the stream) was widely opposed, and since Option 3 (line sewer, leave stream natural) was sure to be defeated, we had not been given a real choice.  So these Friends proposed Option 4; they felt it combined the best of Options 2 and 3.  It combined the sewer repair and erosion control of Option 2 with the natural values of Option 3.  See options 1-3 here

While it wasn't obvious how erosion control could be achieved with Option 4, the option in effect said to the City: "Go back, do some more detailed planning, and find a way to do the job that's not so destructive to trees, wildlife, and the stream.  That's why Option 4 adds "Preserve wildlife habitat"  to the objectives.  Since the original objectives didn't include wildlife, it's not surprising the City's Option 2 (riprap) is destructive to wildlife.

Features of Option 4
  • Line existing sanitary sewer and laterals. (Do spot repairs & replace sections if needed.)
  • Cover or retrench the main sewer and laterals if too exposed.
  • Stop erosion within the existing stream channel using natural boulders, and adding terraces where steep.
  • Save existing wildlife habitat (including pools, dead trees, stumps) where possible, and reconstruct (mitigate) any lost habitat. 
  • Least expensive option.
  • Preserves the most trees.
  • Security benefit (no road).
  • Repairs, preserves, and protects from freezing the main sewer and laterals.
  • Minimizes erosion.
  • Least amount of disturbance to wildlife habitat.
  • Difficult (but not impossible) access for sewer repair.
  • Excludes using large construction equipment.
  • Some future maintenance may be needed.
City Engineering's response to Option 4
  • Wildlife isn't our responsibility.
  • We can't get in there, to put in a new sewer line, and fix the erosion, and still preserve the natural streambed.
  • Referring to the erosion: "If your roof has 100 leaks, maybe it's better to replace the roof than to just patch the leaks."
  • There would still be problems with the lateral sewage lines.
We suspect they have made up their minds, and don't want to study this any more.

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