
Meeting on proposed new building on Monroe St.

Meeting Monday, May 5th, 6:30pm
Wingra School Library

Updated 5/3/14

Neighbors are invited to attend and participate in a discussion on a proposed development at 3414 Monroe Street by developer, Patrick Corcoran.

This site is at the corner of Monroe and Glenway, across Glenway from Parman's Place.

The proposal involves demolishing the current building and constructing a new mixed-use (commercial/residential) building.
This meeting provides an opportunity for residents to discuss the project with the developer and meet our new District 13 alder, Lucas Dailey.  Designs will be available for review and city staff, Alder Lucas Dailey, Alder Chris Schmidt, and Patrick Corcoran will be present to answer questions and to hear neighborhood feedback.

If you are not able to attend, updates are always available at http://dmna.org/zoningcommittee.
For questions or to get involved, please email zoning@dmna.org or call 608-957-6923.

From an email by Julia Billingham.

Impact fees

For the Parman Place development, Landgraf paid tens of thousands of dollars in park impact fees--some say it was $27,000.  I hope the new development will pay substantial impact fees, to help insure that Glenwood Children's Park is eventually improved according to the plans of Jens Jensen.

"An impact fee is a fee that is imposed by a local government within the United States on a new or proposed development project to pay for all or a portion of the costs of providing services to the new development." Source

"Impact fees have become the most important method in infrastructure financing and an essential part of local governments to fund infrastructure or public services. Impact fees may help to assist in the development of needed parks, schools, roads, sewer, water treatment, utilities, libraries, and public safety buildings to the newly developed area. In most cases impact fees are used in new development. An example of this would be when a new neighborhood or commercial development is constructed the developer may be forced to pay the fee for new infrastructure or a new fire station in the area due to the demand the new development causes. In some cases the developer may pass on the fee to the future property owners through housing costs or charges. It can be seen as a growth management tool that collects development funding payment as a way to exercise police power. Impact Fees are seen as a regulation tool, but at the same time their revenue raising purpose can be seen as a tax to some. Still most states recognize and allow the use of impact fees as a way to regulate land use."

"Mitigation fees are similar to impact and linkage fees but they differ in their focus on the environment. These fees are charged to reimburse or compensate the community for the negative impact that development may have on the community. In some cases these fees are used to help preserve a component of the local environment and regulate pollution."

Protecting groundwater and spring flow

People are concerned about the effect another large building might have on groundwater flow, and on nearby springs.  The best way to maintain the groundwater, and even improve it, is to make sure that ALL the stormwater runoff from this project (after construction) is infiltrated into the ground.  Ample rain gardens here will also improve the livability of the neighborhood.

It's City policy to build more densely within the city, to prevent urban sprawl.  So to oppose dense construction is to oppose City policy.  However, we can make sure that construction itself is environmentally friendly, and that the site--after construction--has advanced environmental features.

If the developer wants density, then let him build GREEN, in a way that enhances the neighborhood.

Construction impacts from the Wingra Shores condos

Recent construction of the Wingra Shores condos at the corner of Knickerbocker and Arbor Drive resulted in a lot of muddy trackout, illegal escape of concrete slurry to the gutter/stormsewer, and unprotected stormwater inlets.  Source.

The contractor for that dirty project was Fisher Construction.

Will the same contractor be involved?

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