Speedway worker on the job, 9/9 11:11 am.
All stormwater inlets still unmaintained 7 days after major rain.
Speedway Sand and Gravel has been involved during June-Sept. 2010 in serious and repeated violations of Madison's erosion control regulations, at Edgewood Ave, and now at Segoe Rd.
Speedway is being sued by citizens for repeatedly sending plumes of mud into Lake Wingra.
Violations at Edgewood Ave include
- inadequate gravel tracking pads
- poorly located gravel check dams
- use of unwashed gravel for pads and check dams (washed gravel is required)
- leaving a filter off a key stormwater pipe leading directly to the lake from a muddy construction pit
- ineffective cleaning of streets after work more
- clogged and unmaintained stormwater inlet filters
- ineffective positioning of silt socks around major stormwater inlets
- failure to inspect and correct erosion control promptly after major rain events*
- street cleaning after work has been incomplete and ineffective
Residents along Segoe Rd are angry that Speedway is harming the lakes, and that holes in the terrace have not been properly back filled. Negligent back filling, combined with rain, has caused several holes next to the sidewalk, which residents fear are dangerous to pedestrians. I saw one resident filling the holes on her terrace.
More examples (click photos to enlarge)
More examples (click photos to enlarge)
The bottom line...
All this gunk goes directly to a large pipe running under Segoe, and from there to Willow Creek and Lake Mendota at University Bay.
# # #
Update: City officials responsible for this site
Apparently Madison Water Utility was responsible, since this was a water main replacement (plus resurfacing and stormwater inlet replacement).
Permit authority: Tim Troester
(608) 267-1995 ttroester@cityofmadison.com
Permittee: Madison Water Utility
Adam Wiederhoeft
119 E Olin Ave, Madison WI 53713
Inspector: Harley Lemkuil
hlemkuil@cityofmadison.com See reports
Speedway Staff responsible
Todd Timmerman (608) 575-1499 todd@speedwaysg.com
Josh Stieve (608) 836-1071 Josh@#speedwaysg.com
* Inspection is required within 24 hrs of a rainfall of .75 in or more. On 9/2 it rained nearly an inch, with another inch on 9/3. There was substantial flooding along the project on Segoe. Yet by 9/7, none of the damage or clogged filters had been repaired. Inspection reports could not be found on the city website. All photos 9/6 or 9/7 evenings.
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