
Good plants for your woodland garden

If you have a place in your yard too shady for grass to grow, consider the celandine poppy.


New rain garden at Thoreau School survives storm

A new rain garden was just finished at Thoreau School, to reduce runoff from the roof and paved playground.  Construction was organized by Jack Nolan for his Eagle Scout project.  But Jack was out of town when the dark clouds rolled in, so I was scheduled to watch the garden.

On the evening of June 12, there were at least three episodes of heavy rain.  The fledgling garden was under siege!


Basins finished for Thoreau School rain garden

On Saturday, June 1, from 9:00 to 1:00, about 17 people helped dig two basins for the second rain garden at Thoreau School. This included 10 people from Jack's scout troop.